Give me a break !!

It's so easy to run fast to achieve something .....and its easier to get lost in the speed even if you are the's always in the end that you realise whatever you had been yearning to achieve , whatever you had been running after actualy holds no value. It's just a show off to the world to prove your worth; but somewhere inside you always know who you are.

                      The sense of possessiveness disappears when you realise nothing is yours.....infact as was said by lord krishna in gita

"What is yours today, will be somebody else's tomorrow, and another person's the day after"

So, its a mistake to immerse yourself in the joys and sorrows of the world and take them for granted.

People will come and go........
Things will be recieved and given..........
Situations will be in control and out of control........
Luck will be on your side and not........

All these things are NOT constant..........but they all have a purpose to be fulfilled.

And its your responsibility to find out the purpose they all fulfill in your life.

So, next time when you strongly hold something in your hand and think its all yours......WAIT....and give it a second thought...... it really yours forever ?


  1. trust me u really need a biggg break....
    nd as usual its gr888... :))) ^._.^


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